Tuesday 14 June 2016

Annecy 12:5

So, this week was good. But I am wondering I how many of my weekly

emails I've started by saying so. Probably way to many. And I know
missionaries when they get to the end, to their last weekly email they
are super nostalgic and talk about all the amazing things they have
learned, but sorry in advance, an hour is not long enough to get all
that out and I think it would make me start crying if I had to think about my mission as something that was already over, because it's

not!!!!!! Haha, one more week of miracles to go :)

So in the mission we had this goal to get all these new Amis by the
twelfth of June. So we had been given two weeks to accomplish the
goal. So that was our focus this last week, finding Amis, which is
defined as someone we teach a gospel lesson to and then fix a return
appointment with them. One of our new Amis stories is kind of funny,
well there are two that are. So the first story, we had decided to go
out contacting for an hour before lunch, and so we are going, we are
talking to people but no one is interested, so we are kind of
wandering one could say, we had a direction we had planned on going
the night before so we kept in that direction and we see this group of
4 talking and one kid in a stroller. So we walk over and as we start
the conversation 2 up and leave, they were not interested. But we talk
to a couple with their daughter (stroller) and the first thing they
say is that they are Christian too! Finally!!!!!! And so we talked
expressed our beliefs in God, and we were able to teach them about the
Book of Mormon and they said they would love to read it and come to
church! We read a few verses together and they liked it! The wife
didn't do much talking, but they were really nice! And we were able to
fix a rdv for the next day.  But the problem was that eh didn't have a
fixed address, and so they said they go over to a friends house every
day and they gave us his address. The street name sounded really
familiar, and when we looked it up we realized it sounded familial
because first off it is the street right behind our apartment and
second because the address was for some old Amis of ours! Haha! So we
went by to teach, and saw our old Amis... That was funny, but good
because he said he would love to have us back! So that was cool.

Story two. The ward wanted us to look up addresses from the ward list
and see if people still lived there. So Saturday we did that, which
meant a ton of driving!!!!! Hours!!! We went to check one and as we
walked up to the apartment building this guy and his mother were
standing outside talking. As we walk up he asked is something along
the lines of whether we were going to a party because of the clothes
we were wearing. (Is it really that weird to be outside in a skirt? I
didn't think so but the guy acted like we were dressed to head to the
queens for dinner). We started talking though and it was maybe one of
the most frustrating conversations I have ever had. The guy had zero
faith, well, no that is isn't accurate. Once we get to the missionary
bit, and it didn't take long because he was super curious and had 100
questions, he said he believed because he almost died and was sure God
had a hand in saving his life. But then he would say that he only
believed in things that he could see, that if there was no proof he
couldn't believe. So when he asked us about how we knew that God
exists he wouldn't accept our answers because he said none of it had
proof. Nothing had evidence. When we said our knowing came from our
faith and that that is what faith is, he disagreed completely.
Everything we said he contradicted. The conversation was kind of going
in circles. I have faith, no that isn't a real thing, I know God loves
me, no you can't know that, I feel it in my heart, the Holy Ghost has
testified to me, feelings aren't proof, I need proof... You see how it
was going. Finally we parted ways, left them with a card, he said he
wasn't interested, he wouldn't shake hands or anything, haha. But then
about 3 hours later we receive a phone call, and it was him, and he
asked if he could actually talk to us because he really did want to
learn more about God and had questions (that part wasn't a surprise
though). So we were able to fix a rdv, we will see how it is. Maybe
when we met it was just a bad day. But we were so surprised when he
called because they never call!!! Never!!! So that was cool.
Interesting, but cool. The address for the member we were looking for
was wrong though if you were following that part of the story, but it
led us to them. So still good.

Yesterday we had a special sisters conference. Which was awesome!!!!!!
They had all the departing soeurs bear their testimonies at the end,
which was good, but you know me... Kleenex was needed. But it was so
fun to see all the sisters and some of us stayed the night at the
mission home which was heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All in all a super good week. Highlight, seeing Soeur Clancy! I
already miss her.  Why couldn't we be companions?????????? :)

À bientôt!

Soeur Christensen

Monday 6 June 2016

Annecy 12:4

This week was odd... We started off with exchange in annemasse, then

had 2 days home, and then we were in Geneva for the day to do a big
zone finding day, then we had Saturday and Sunday home. It didn't
really feel like we were at home at all, and in the days we were at
home we did a lot of service. Which was awesome! But made it hard
because we weren't able to be out seeing Amis or anything like that.
But Saturday we had a fun but then really sad thing. Our Romanian Amis
invited us to a party because half of the family is Catholic and so
they had a baptism and invited us to the "after party" we thought it
would be a good chance to meet the rest of the family and show our
love. It was interesting... This family friend kept coming up to us
and trying to get us to dance, so we just shoved bread into our mouths
as an excuse because he did not get the "we can not dance". Finally
our Amis husband told him to stop. We were going to leave but then the
mother of the family came in and she pulled us to the side. She is a
member, and we start talking and she told us that there was a fire in
there house, they just found it and the whole inside is completely
black. There wasn't to  much actually burnt, but the whole house is
covered in soot. They have nothing and then this happened. It hurts so
much realizing how relatively easy my life has been compared to
theirs, and how these things just happen to them. And it makes me
really sad realizing that I won't be here much longer and I can't help
them! The gospel would help them it is just so hard because of all
these things in their lives. And I just wish they could see it better.

This week we had a relief society activity about emergency
preparedness... And I feel slightly freaked out. I'm not ready! I
don't have a seventy two hour kit, I don't have food storage! I am not

Some finding day in Geneva, these statues are all religious reformers
like Calvin! Really cool!

Monday 30 May 2016

Annecy 12:3

This week went by fast, and I don't even remember what we did really,
it's all a blur, but here are some of the great things we did.

We saw our amie Christy, and she is still awesome. We taught the plan
of salvation and she already knew everything. One of our members came
and she was such a help because she was able to reply to the questions
that I have never been asked before because no one even knows what a
temple is here. Basically she loves everything and is so ready.
Teaching her was like a member, and the best thing is she has so many
good questions so it is really easy to teach to her needs because she
just goes out and says what her need is. She wasn't able to come to
church though because her son was up all night with an ear infection.
But she is so awesome!

Also, we were able to see our other ami family and they fed us. They
have next to nothing, they live in an abandoned school, no water,
nothing. And yet they invited us over to feed us!

We had zone conference and it was good, but we had interviews and I
was just not ready, because we do our going home testimonies and I had
forgotten and I just was not ready, and en plus it was the middle of
week three, I'm not even close to being some, so it was really weird
to do a finishing testimony. But it was good. And I love president and
sister Brown.

These weeks go by fast, and I'm just soaking it all in and loving it.

Love Soeur Christensen
Envoyé de mon iPad

Monday 23 May 2016

Annecy 12:2

miracle week! Miracle Week!! MIRACLE WEEK!!!

This week was so filled with miracles! I don't even think I have time
to get to all of them.

First one: Monday night we left for Lyon because president had invited
all the people I go home with to the mission leadership conference on
Tuesday. When I heard about that all I could think was Jean Luc. He
has had a ton of hard things come into his life since being baptised
and I have been worried and praying a lot for him. So someone had to
see him. I just knew it. Half way through the conference we went out
contacting, nothing really interesting happened for me and Soeur Nef,
but when we came back in everyone was saying miracles, and one of the
elders shared this story. He had gone to hotel de ville and saw
someone sitting on a bench. Started talking to him.. IT WAS JEAN
LUC!!!!!!! Basically the elder was able to talk to him about some hard
things he was going through. And for me that was such a huge miracle
because I have been praying for weeks that someone would run into him,
and remind him that God still cared and would send help.

Miracle two: we had a return rdv with our new Amis Dorina and her 2
kids Marie and Sergio, and when the walked up they had brought with
them a family, husband wife and their son Isus!! We take them into the
church and as soon as they are inside they are saying how beautiful it
is and the kids were being hushed to be quiet because they were in a
special place. And when we took them into the chapel they all just
went quiet. The spirit was so strong, and as we sat down to teach them
the husband said to us that he was looking to change his life and
wanted to know how, and that he wanted to be baptised, and his whole
family. So we said we were there to help people prepare by teaching
them and helping them make those changes to live in harmony with
Christ's teachings. We told them that kids starting at age eight could
also be baptised and the two kids excitedly said that the were nine
and that they wanted to be baptised too. So we said we could teach the
whole family and they were all so so excited. We talked about Christ
and what that meant to follow him. They speak Romanian better than
French so looked to find the il vit video in Romanian, realized I
couldn't read Romanian... And just picked one of the videos hoping it
was the right one... And it was perfect. It was the Easter video
follow him, and as soon as it started the spirit filled the room, and
at the end the mothers were crying and even the little nine year old
boy had tears in his eyes. We asked them how the felt, and no one
really wanted to answer, but the nine year old boy did, he helped out
"bien!" Haha. We taught the, about the spirit and that they needed to
pray because the spirit would tell them that they needed to follow
Christ. When we picked a baptismal date everyone in the room started
giggling in excitement! It was amazing!!! And what was cool was that
the husband said that he would take the Book of Mormon and read and
pray because once he is baptised he said he knew he couldn't go back
on it, it was something for the rest of his life and his family and so
he would take is seriously and make sure he knew. It was cool. And I
was so touched by the desire they had to follow Christ. They don't
have a huge understanding, but they felt the spirit testify to them
that they needed to follow Christ and in so doing be baptised. So so
cool! Such a blessing for us.

And there is still more :)

Miracle three: we received a referral from the church website on
Thursday. The description was a mother of 4 kids, who had lived in the
states for four years. She had never been to church, but in her
community there were many lds families and she was impressed by their
family values and would like to come to church to learn more. So we
planned on going to her house on Saturday because we weren't able to
reach her by phone. Saturday comes and we ring her bell...nothing. So
we went contacting a bit and before leaving decided to try one more
time. And she was there! She comes out and brings chairs in to the
garden calls her kids and then tells us that ever since moving back
she has wanted to have her kids in church to bring those good values
in but she didn't like it at any of the churches she had tried. So she
kept feeling pushed to go on the church site and sign her self up, so
she talked with her husband and they decided to do it. She said she
was ready to just jump in, when was church, what do you wear, what do
the kids do, etc etc. As we talked she said how she just felt pushed
to find our church, and how as soon as she did she felt so good, and
she said that the idea of temples is beautiful and the most important
thing for her and her family. We didn't get into a ton of teaching,
but we were able to testify of the blessing of the church in our lives
and she seemed really touched and was just ready to come. At the end
of the lesson we prayed, and she had all the kids sit and she said to
them, " okay guys, we are going to learn how to pray" and so I start
explaining it. We all folded our eyes, closed our eyes, and then k
said his we start with dear Heavenly Father , and then the mom and
kids started repeating me, and so I just went with it, and we said a
prayer together. It was really cute and reminded me of our family
prayers as kids when we would repeat. It was fun and cute. And she is
so ready for the gospel, and her kids too!!!!!! It was so

There were so many amazing things this week. Heavenly Father is
blessing us so much! I feel incredibly thankful to see these miracles

Love Soeur Christensen
31 days left...

Monday 14 December 2015

Lyon 8:3 It was really hard to remember what week I was on...

This week was interesting, we discovered on if the funniest church
videos I have ever seen. "Joseph the man" it's on the church history
set of 3 dvd's. "These are the hands that touched the hands that
touched the hands..." It's really funny, look for it, watch it, you
won't be disappointed :)

So the reason we discovered the video is because Soeur Castagno has
been sick and so we had some days and afternoons in the apartment. It
was good though because I got to serve her which is my favourite!! So
we watched some movies, I read some things, she got some rest and has
been doing better.

So, here is a little miracle for this week. Our engagé Jean Luc is so
cool! We had a lesson with him and our dmp (ward mission leader) and
we taught about the temple and how the temple is a blessing through
the story of Lehi's vision in the Book of Mormon, it went really well
and it was cool because our dmp, frère Girard, said, after we told him
the subject that it was perfect because he brought a little picture of
the temple to give to him! The lesson went well and at the end we
talked about how Lehi wanted his whole family to be able to have all
the joy that he had from the fruit, and we talked about genealogy and
being able to do baptisms for the dead for his ancestors who did not
have the chance to learn of Christ and follow him. He was wonderfully
shocked! He couldn't believe it, he was so happy, and I swear he was
tearing up, it was awesome! There was a baptism the next day in
another ward and he came and he loved it! And so here's another cool
thing, so after the program was finished the stake president said a
few words and guess what story he told!! Yes! Lehi's vision! It was
super cool! Before he started talking he said, "now I'm going to talk
about a story you all know" and I thought, nope, not Jean Luc, and
then he started talking Lehi's vision and I thought, YES!!!! He knows
this!!! After we talked to him and he said that he was super excited
because he knew the story, and then he said, "that's how I know I'm
making the right choice, God is leading." It was super awesome, and so
many people talked to him and he's friends with other missionaries. It
was sweet! Also, he brought a friend to church on Sunday! We weren't
there, sick, but still, super cool!

Okay, here's a funny story. So we planned a surprise for the office
senior couples. We decided to decorate the office all Christmassy as a
surprise; we were hoping to bring a little more holiday cheer into the
office. So Saturday after the baptism we go with the other sisters to
decorate. We had gotten keys to the office and snuck in. About 15
minutes in guess what happened. The door started to get unlocked!! I
see Soeur Castagno run the other way, so I dive under a desk,
literally dive and almost pull my skirt off because it isn't easy to
dive in a skirt,  but while we are doing this, no one came in, the
door opened but no one came in so the other sisters didn't notice and
we're really confused, "sister Christensen why are you under a
desk??!!" And then 2 seconds later she realizes and says, "oh is some
one here??" And then they dive under with me right before we hear
voices... But don't worry, it was only the assistants! They were a
little less surprised than we expected, you know, seeing 3 sisters
crawl out from under a desk... But it was funny. So we continue
decorating, it's looking good, when guess what sound we heard again.!
Yes, once again the door opens, we dive again under the desks, my
skirt almost gets pulled off again! And this time the sweeneys walked
in :( obviously they knew something was up, we were almost done
everything. And then he sees the other soeurs... "Les soeurs se
cachent." It was funny. And still fun even though it wasn't a perfect

Also, we went out for dinner with president and sister brown!!! I love
them, we have a picture but I need sister brown to email it to me. We
went to the 'hippopotamus', president and me and my comp got fish. It
was really really good:)

Oh and we sang at the baptism...

Monday 7 December 2015

Lyon 8:2

So another week. What have I done? Hmmmmm... My brain has stopped
working and I can't think of anything. Probably because white washing
is hard and we still have no idea about anything here, and he have a
list of errands that we have to do that just keeps getting bigger, so
kind of not a lot has happened. But, still we've seen some super cool
things. Let me start off with Jean-luc. So basically he is the coolest
person ever, our zone leaders contacted a friend of his and Jean Luc
came to the rdv. He ended up being super interested and came to the
thanksgiving activity we did. He came to church with us the next day
and loved the Amis class lesson on obedience, and it just so happened
that it was the fifth Sunday, so we had a combined relief society
priesthood lesson. Guess what is was on... Becoming spiritually self
reliant. I'm pretty sure he started falling asleep and the whole time
all we could think of was, why today, he probably is hating this and
doesn't even think we are a church because all we are doing is talking
about some weird booklet that the church made to help everyone become
"autonome" but when the lesson finished and we were all going to leave
Jean Luc leans over and says, can I have one of those booklets and he
ended up loving it! So he came again this last week and it just so
happens that he lives in our sector so we get to teach him and he is
so cool. The elders fixed a baptismal date and as we were doing a
lesson we asked about it, and we asked if he had prayed about Joseph
smith and the Book of Mormon, and he said almost like I was stupid for
asking that he had and that was why he was there, he knows it is true.
So cool. So that's awesome and we are super excited.

So another week. What have I done? Hmmmmm... My brain has stopped
working and I can't think of anything. Probably because white washing
is hard and we still have no idea about anything here, and he have a
list of errands that we have to do that just keeps getting bigger, so
kind of not a lot has happened. But, still we've seen some super cool
things. Let me start off with Jean-luc. So basically he is the coolest
person ever, our zone leaders contacted a friend of his and Jean Luc
came to the rdv. He ended up being super interested and came to the
thanksgiving activity we did. He came to church with us the next day
and loved the Amis class lesson on obedience, and it just so happened
that it was the fifth Sunday, so we had a combined relief society
priesthood lesson. Guess what is was on... Becoming spiritually self
reliant. I'm pretty sure he started falling asleep and the whole time
all we could think of was, why today, he probably is hating this and
doesn't even think we are a church because all we are doing is talking
about some weird booklet that the church made to help everyone become
"autonome" but when the lesson finished and we were all going to leave
Jean Luc leans over and says, can I have one of those booklets and he
ended up loving it! So he came again this last week and it just so
happens that he lives in our sector so we get to teach him and he is
so cool. The elders fixed a baptismal date and as we were doing a
lesson we asked about it, and we asked if he had prayed about Joseph
smith and the Book of Mormon, and he said almost like I was stupid for
asking that he had and that was why he was there, he knows it is true.
So cool. So that's awesome and we are super excited.

That's the coolest greatest thing of the week, but also this week we
did some service! It was so fun! So Sister Brown wants videos of all
the missionaries doing a service activity, and so we had planned a
free hot chocolate Christmas thing. And it actually went really well.
The beginning was rough, really really rough. We thought it would be
cute to sing carols and hand out hot chocolate and show people the new
Christmas video, so we all are standing ready, we start singing, and
it was so so so horrible. It was probably the most awkward thing to
happen so far on my mission. Basically no one stopped and we didn't
even finish the song because we all started laughing because it was
just that bad. So we remade the game plan, and started just contacting
people like normal and giving out hot chocolate and that worked really
well, and we were able to talk to a lot of people. And it made us all
happy :) then for a second service thing we did, the recent convert
here, moved to the Czech Republic a week after his confirmation, and
his wife stayed here to continue studying. So since they were both
waaaay to busy to see us getting everything ready, we decided to make
them dinner, we did a lasagna and salad and a little dessert. And then
 the sweeney's took us over. But basically that was such a miracle too
because we could not get a hold of yilbert all day, neither could the
sweeney's and so we just went hoping he would be there with his wife
who we haven't met yet, and while we were stopped at a red light Soeur
Sweeney looks over and says, look, it's yilbert! He was on a bike
stopped right next to the car! So we pulled over were able to talk and
he said he was going to pick up his wife from school and then would
meet us at their house. So we were able to see them, his wife is so
cute and she told us how sad she was he was leaving and she said when
she finishes exams she will have us over :) so that was great.

That's the coolest greatest thing of the week, but also this week we
did some service! It was so fun! So Sister Brown wants videos of all
the missionaries doing a service activity, and so we had planned a
free hot chocolate Christmas thing. And it actually went really well.
The beginning was rough, really really rough. We thought it would be
cute to sing carols and hand out hot chocolate and show people the new
Christmas video, so we all are standing ready, we start singing, and
it was so so so horrible. It was probably the most awkward thing to
happen so far on my mission. Basically no one stopped and we didn't
even finish the song because we all started laughing because it was
just that bad. So we remade the game plan, and started just contacting
people like normal and giving out hot chocolate and that worked really
well, and we were able to talk to a lot of people. And it made us all
happy :) then for a second service thing we did, the recent convert
here, moved to the Czech Republic a week after his confirmation, and
his wife stayed here to continue studying. So since they were both
waaaay to busy to see us getting everything ready, we decided to make
them dinner, we did a lasagna and salad and a little dessert. And then
 the sweeney's took us over. But basically that was such a miracle too
because we could not get a hold of yilbert all day, neither could the
sweeney's and so we just went hoping he would be there with his wife
who we haven't met yet, and while we were stopped at a red light Soeur
Sweeney looks over and says, look, it's yilbert! He was on a bike
stopped right next to the car! So we pulled over were able to talk and
he said he was going to pick up his wife from school and then would
meet us at their house. So we were able to see them, his wife is so
cute and she told us how sad she was he was leaving and she said when
she finishes exams she will have us over :) so that was great.